It’s PROPER Time!
We’ve been providing grassroots celebrations of global, community and personal restoration since 1990: PROPER’s popular “good” FREE FOOD | Music & Performing Arts ENTERTAINMENT | “PROPER” Resources and Engaging Kid’s and Family Activities with prizes: COMMUNITY. As usual, expect a fun time by all from 12-4pm Saturday, August 31 at Kenton Park.
This is our 22nd annual PROPER Festival with live music and performing arts entertainment (poets, dancers, African drummers, Native drummers, jazz, soul and Gospel music), Live Paint Show, PROPER (People Reaching Other People Expecting Restoration) One-on-Ones (financial, entrepreneurial, health/wellness, relational, ecological, and more resources) with Health screenings including Hepatitis, Note: Diabetes requires 3 hour pre-fast, Children’s area, Family relays, games and prizes, Free Food! It’s all in the name of “uniting community across all lines.”
See you there!
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Reach out to your community while strengthening your natural talents
Various pre, during, post festival positions– Flyer Distribution | Set up/Tear down | Children’s Activities & Prizes | Family Activities, Relays & Prizes | Stage Performers | Live Paint Artists | Live Art Coordinator | Office | Resource Booths | Health Screening Van | Free Food Booth -donations
GENERAL CONTACT: Robin Gordon 503-890-5393, [email protected]
CULTURAL, PERFORMANCE ARTISTS: Deborah Sampson 503-286-1488, Deborah at
VOLUNTEERS, et al: Kim Higley 1-303-918-3432, Kim.higley at
BOOTHS: Deborah Sampson 503-286-1488, Deborah at
FOOD, donations: Michael Hunter 503-936-3704, mhunter at